75% Quit Because of Bad Bosses: What to Do So This Doesn't Happen to You

According to a Gallup study of one million workers, 75% of employees quit their jobs because of bad bosses, not because of the job itself.

Before Joining An Organisation

First things first, try not to apply to an organisation you have not heard great things about.

Research Reputation: Ensure you've heard positive feedback about the organization before applying.

  1. Source of Information: Rely on reliable sources for information about the organization. Avoid basing decisions solely on third-party reviews or rumors.

  2. Multiple Perspectives: Gather insights from multiple current or former employees to gain a comprehensive understanding.

  3. Avoid Bias: While opinions of friends or close contacts are valuable, refrain from solely relying on one individual's perspective.

  4. Utilize Networks: Reach out to your professional network, including LinkedIn connections, to gather insights about the organization and potential supervisors.

  5. Consult with Recruiters: If applying through a recruiter or consulting firm, inquire about the reporting structure and research the individuals you'll be working with.

  6. Evaluate Company Culture: During the interview process, assess how the organization treats candidates. Look for warmth, respect, and consideration as indicators of the company culture.

  7. Consider Position Level: Recognize that the approach may vary based on the level of the position. For middle to senior roles, researching supervisors is particularly relevant.

  8. Use Online Resources: Explore platforms like Glassdoor for broader insights into the organization's reputation, but be aware of the limitations regarding granularity.

  9. Dig Deep: Go beyond surface-level information and conduct thorough research, especially regarding the specific hotel or unit where you'll be working.

After Joining An Organisation

You have joined. Congratulations! Now what?

  1. Build Rapport with Supervisor: Establish a positive relationship with your immediate supervisor by demonstrating professionalism, enthusiasm, and a willingness to learn.

  2. Communicate Career Aspirations: Share your career goals and aspirations with your supervisor to align expectations and identify opportunities for growth within the organization.

  3. Seek Feedback Regularly: Proactively seek feedback on your performance and areas for improvement from your supervisor and colleagues to enhance your professional development.

  4. Participate in Development Programs: Take advantage of leadership development programs, training sessions, and workshops offered by the organization to enhance your skills and knowledge.

  5. Maintain Open Communication: Foster open communication channels with your supervisor and colleagues to address any concerns, challenges, or opportunities that arise in your role.

  6. Take Ownership of Career Path: Take ownership of your career path by actively seeking out opportunities for advancement, additional responsibilities, or cross-functional projects within the organization.

  7. Evaluate Cultural Fit: Continuously assess your alignment with the organization's culture, values, and work environment to ensure a positive and fulfilling experience.

  8. Seek Mentorship: Identify potential mentors within the organization who can provide guidance, support, and valuable insights into navigating your career within the company.

  9. Monitor Job Satisfaction: Regularly evaluate your job satisfaction and overall happiness in your role to identify any areas of dissatisfaction or potential areas for improvement.

  10. Contribute Positively: Contribute positively to the organization's goals, values, and mission by actively participating in team projects, initiatives, and collaborative efforts.

  11. Network Internally: Build relationships with colleagues across different departments and levels within the organization to expand your network and foster a sense of community and belonging.

  12. Stay Updated: Stay informed about industry trends, best practices, and developments relevant to your role and the organization to remain competitive and adaptable in your career.

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