The Why, The How, and The What of becoming the Ultimate Go-To Person!

Standing out isn't just advantageous—it's essential for career growth and personal fulfillment. One powerful way to distinguish yourself is by becoming the go-to person within your job role. By leveraging your talents and strengths, you can make a meaningful impact, experience deep engagement, and add value to your candidature.

This post will guide you through the steps to becoming the go-to person in your job role, while also incorporating principles from positive psychology to enhance your journey.

What is a 'Go-To' Person?

A "go-to" person is someone who is recognized as an authority or expert in a specific area, niche, or job role. They are the individual that others turn to for advice, guidance, solutions, or expertise related to that particular domain. A go-to person is known for their knowledge, experience, and ability to deliver results consistently. They play a crucial role in their organization or industry by providing valuable insights, solving problems, and driving innovation. Ultimately, a go-to person is someone who is trusted, respected, and relied upon by their peers and colleagues for their expertise and leadership.

Think of it this way. Someone comes to you with a problem. You tell them to 'go-to' XYZ. XYZ is your 'go-to' person for that particular problem.

Why should you strive to become the go-to person?

  • Career Advancement Opportunities: Becoming the go-to person within your job role not only enhances your professional reputation but also opens doors to new career opportunities. As you establish yourself as an expert in your niche, you become more visible and sought after by employers seeking top talent. Whether it's advancement within your current organization, opportunities for leadership roles, or career transitions to higher-level positions, being recognized as the go-to person can significantly boost your career trajectory.

  • Personal Fulfillment and Satisfaction: Leveraging your talents and strengths to excel in your job role brings a sense of personal fulfillment and satisfaction. When you become the go-to person for a specific aspect of your work, you're not only making a meaningful contribution to your organization but also experiencing deep engagement and purpose in your daily activities. This sense of fulfillment goes beyond monetary rewards and contributes to overall well-being and job satisfaction.

  • Impact and Influence: As the go-to person, you have the opportunity to make a significant impact and influence within your organization and industry. Your expertise and insights are valued by colleagues, managers, and stakeholders, allowing you to drive positive change, solve complex problems, and inspire others to excel.

Embrace Your Talents: A Strengths-Based Approach

Positive psychology teaches us that focusing on our strengths is key to personal and professional success. Take a moment to identify your unique talents and strengths. Are you a natural communicator, an analytical thinker, or a creative problem solver? By recognizing and embracing your talents, you can leverage them to excel in your job role and become the go-to person for a specific aspect of your work.

Find Your Niche: Where Passion Meets Proficiency

Once you've identified your strengths, it's time to find your niche within your job role. Consider the tasks or responsibilities that align most closely with your talents and interests. Whether it's guest relations, revenue management, staff training, or another area, choose a niche where you can make a meaningful contribution and showcase your expertise.

Make Yourself Indispensable: The Path to Becoming the Go-To Person

1. Leverage Your Strengths

Focus on honing your talents and leveraging them to excel in your chosen niche. Whether it's providing exceptional guest experiences, optimizing revenue strategies, or developing innovative training programs, let your strengths shine through in everything you do.

2. Foster Deep Engagement: Experience Flow

Positive psychology teaches us about the concept of flow—a state of deep engagement and immersion in an activity that aligns with our skills and interests. As you apply your talents within your job role, strive to experience flow regularly. This heightened state of engagement not only enhances job satisfaction but also fuels your journey towards becoming the go-to person.

3. Find Meaning and Purpose

Seek meaning and purpose in your work by aligning your talents with your organization's mission and values. As you make a meaningful contribution within your job role, whether it's by solving problems, mentoring colleagues, or driving positive change, you'll experience a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment that goes beyond mere success.

4. Commit to Continuous Growth

Embrace a mindset of continuous growth and development. Seek out opportunities to expand your skills, knowledge, and expertise. Whether it's through formal training programs, seeking feedback from mentors, or engaging in self-directed learning, commit to ongoing improvement to stay at the forefront of your field.

Real-World Examples: From Talent to Expertise

Let's explore how hospitality professionals have leveraged their talents to become go-to experts within their job roles:

Guest Relations Champion: Tina Soni, a Front Desk Manager with exceptional communication skills and a passion for guest satisfaction, has become the go-to person for guest relations within her team. Colleagues often seek her advice on handling difficult situations and creating memorable guest experiences, thanks to her natural talent for building rapport and resolving issues.

Boss Management Guru: Priya, an Operations Manager with exceptional interpersonal skills and a talent for navigating managerial dynamics, has established herself as the go-to expert in boss management. Her colleagues rely on her expertise to effectively communicate with superiors, mediate conflicts, and navigate organizational hierarchies, leveraging her diplomatic finesse to foster positive working relationships and streamline operations within the organization.

Here is a self-questionnaire to make this happen:

1. Self-Assessment:

- What are my top three strengths or skills?

- What tasks or activities do I enjoy doing the most?

- In what areas do others often seek my advice or help?

2. Identify Your Niche:

- What specific aspect of my job or industry am I most knowledgeable about?

- What topic or area within my field excites me the most?

- Are there any recurring challenges or problems in my work that I'm particularly good at solving?

3. Market Research:

- What are the current trends or hot topics in my niche?

- Who are the key influencers or experts in this area?

- What skills or knowledge do I need to improve to stand out in my niche?

4. Create Value Proposition:

- What unique skills or insights do I bring to the table?

- How can I use my strengths to help others in my niche?

- What specific solutions or expertise can I offer that others can't?

5. Build Your Brand:

- What platforms or channels can I use to showcase my expertise (e.g., social media, blog, presentations)?

- How can I actively engage with others in my niche (e.g., networking events, online forums)?

- What steps can I take to continuously learn and grow in my niche (e.g., courses, workshops, mentorship)?


Becoming the go-to person in your job role is not just about achieving success—it's about unlocking your full potential, experiencing deep engagement, and making a meaningful impact. By embracing your talents, finding your niche, and committing to continuous growth, you can become the go-to expert within your organization and beyond. So, embrace your strengths, find your passion, and let your talents guide you on the path to becoming the go-to person in your job role.